I could not get enough of our early Spring day yesterday. With 65 degrees and not a cloud in sight, it was a far cry from our recent and constant dreary and mucky weather. I could not wait to make the rounds here at Serenbe and see what was going on. So, Frankie and I set off with my pocket camera. Daffodils are everywhere. The new goats kids are up and walking. Fruit tree blossoms seem to have opened over night. And the Tea Olive is almost (but definitely not) overwhelming.
Check out those ears!
Frankie could have just sat in the sun all day!
This vacant lot is one of my favorite spots to walk to. It has the ruins of an old southern house. You can still see where the drive must have come up to the front porch by the two huge flanking Arborvitaes and the rows of daffodils that probably lined the walk. There is a cleared side yard that has since been opened by a clearing in the trees and these bottles hang from above. I am so curious who did this? But, what a wonderful place for a Spring dinner party or even a small wedding.